game view
max, bitterling (alfonso, GER, RS-Elo 1920)
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Schmitt, Harald (Harry, GER, RS-Elo 1963)
Zugliste PGN 

Moves done:
1.d4 d5 2.e3 Sf6 3.Sf3 e6 4.Ld3 Lb4+ 5.c3 Ld6 6.Sbd2 O-O 7.O-O Sbd7 8.Te1 c5 9.e4 Lc7 10.e5 c4 11.Lc2 Sg4 12.h3 Sh6 13.Sf1 Sf5 14.Lg5 De8 15.g4 Se7 16.Sg3 b5 17.Sh5 a5 18.h4 a4 19.Dc1 Kh8 20.Lh6 Tg8 21.Lg5 Df8 22.Kh1 Lb7 23.Tg1 a3 24.b4 cxb3 25.Lxb3 f6 26.exf6 gxf6 27.Lh6 Df7 28.Lc2 e5 29.Sh2 f5 30.f3 fxg4 31.fxg4 Df2 32.Tf1 Dxh4 33.Tf7 e4 34.Lf4 Lxf4 35.Dxf4 Taf8 36.Tf1 Txf7 37.Dxf7 Lc6 38.De6 Tg6 39.Df7 b4 40.cxb4 Lb5 41.Tg1 Dg5 42.Sf4 Tg7 43.De8+ Tg8 44.Df7 Tf8 45.Se6 Txf7 46.Sxg5 Tf2 47.Lb3 h6 48.Se6 Lc4 49.Lxc4 dxc4 50.Tg2 Tb2 51.Sc5 Sb6 52.Sxe4 Sed5 53.Sf3 Sxb4 54.Sc3 S6d5 55.Sb5 c3 56.Sxa3 c2 57.Sxc2 Sxc2 58.a4 Sde3 59.Te2 Ta2 60.g5 hxg5 61.Sxg5 Txa4 62.Sf3 Ta1+ 63.Kh2 Sf1+ 64.Kh3 Sce3 65.Sh2 Sd5 66.Te8+ Kg7 67.Sxf1 Txf1 68.Td8 Tf5 69.Td6 Kf7 70.Ta6 Se3 71.Kg3 Ke7 72.Tb6 Tf1 73.Ta6 Sd5 74.Kg2 Te1 75.Kf3 Te3+ 76.Kf2 Te4 77.Ta4 Tf4+ 78.Kg3 Tf1 79.Ta6 Kd7 80.Kg2 Se3+ 81.Kh2 Tf4 82.Ta3 Sc2 83.Ta7+ Kd6 84.Ta5 Txd4 85.Kg3 Ke6 86.Kf3 Td8 87.Ke4 Td4+ 88.Kf3 Th4 89.Kg3 Th8 90.Kf3 Tf8+ 91.Ke4 Sb4 92.Tb5 Sa2 93.Ta5 Sb4 94.Te5+ Kd6 95.Th5 Te8+ 96.Kf3 Sc2 97.Ta5 Sd4+ 98.Kf4 Se6+ 99.Kf3 Sc5 100.Ta1 Kd5 101.Td1+ Kc4 102.Tc1+ Kd4 103.Td1+ Sd3 104.Ta1 Te3+ 105.Kg4 Te2 106.Ta4+ Kc5 107.Ta8 Kd5 108.Td8+ Kc4 109.Kg3 Kc3 110.Kg4 Tf2 111.Kg3 Kd2 112.Txd3+ Kxd3 113.Kxf2 Ke4 ½-½
The game ended in a draw.
Black (alfonso) offered draw
Tournament:RSS5D easy-5
gespielte Eröffnung:D00, Damenbauer spiel
Game started:12th of June 2004, 18:25
Game finished:19th of May 2005, 19:17

Spielername:Schmitt, Harald (Harry)max, bitterling (alfonso)
RS-Elo Partiestart:19631920
RS-Elo Aktuell/Ende:20222066
RS-Elo Mittel:19931993
1. Turnus-Bedenkzeitsystem
Mode:30 days for 10 moves
ungenutzte Bedenkzeit wird nicht angespart
Reklamationsmodus:manuelle BZ-Reklamation
Bisherige überschreitungen:none
2. Reminding mode
3. Spielzeit
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