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tournament invitation CiF-top-007

 einrundiges 9-er Turnier 

Begin of Tournament:The tournament starts automatically, as soon as 9 players signed on.
Organizer:Chess in Friendship
Tournament manager:Matthias Jurisch (hiasmuc)
Reflection time limit:• 40 days for 10 moves
• Ohne Ansparen der Restbedenkzeit
• Reflection time exceeds of 1 or more days will be claimed autoatically.
Reminding mode:
• Friendly reminding when 14th days without a move.
• Warn of losing game when 28th days without a move.
• Game over when 40th days without a move.
Playing mode:
• 9 Player
• random drawing
• single rounded
Tournament rules:remoteChess
tournament vacation:Common vacation contingent. (60 days per calendar year and player)
Participation fee:Starting fee depends on tournament organiser.
Players strength:RS-Elo higher than or same as 2300
Titelanforderungen:no limits
Valuation:Games will affect the players RS-Elo.
Registration:This tournament is organised by: Chess in Friendship
User rating:
0 (0 Votes)
0 0
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Participants so far
Joined users   
Username RS-Elo  Rated games Date of sign on comment
Katze - Heiko Hoffmann232482110th of April 2024, 12:54
Bearwolf - Björn Knöppel2435117128th of April 2024, 15:39
Ex-wanaka2459240329th of May 2024, 08:01
Bue889 - Fritz Buettner246017663rd of June 2024, 22:58

4 users found

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